Sunday 20 October 2013

This Week In Numbers!

Inspiration is the key to success! This week I have been reading quite a few lifestyle blogs and was inspired by the writings of one of my closest friends! D'angelo 

This Week In Numbers,

40 hours of traveling 
1 family UK holiday 
45 children at my sisters party 
20 emails 
20 exchanged text messages to my other half 
10 Phonecalls
6 'I love you's 
5 dinners cooked from scratch
5 compliments 
5 workout and stretching sessions
4 hour pamper session! full body waxing, hair washed, nails painted and manicured!
3 hours walking 
2 cheeky back massages and 1 foot rub
2 men holding the door open for me! (What Gentleman- call me old fashioned) 
2 swimming sessions!
2 New Blog Posts!
1 Toothache!
1 basketball match 
and a cheeky Mexican 

Friday 18 October 2013

Birthday Celebrations and 'Color' Blind Cards!

'kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see!'

After browsing the internet with my other half for possible presents and cards for birthday month! we come across a card company called 'color cards' and after a few exchanged messages and tweets I was privileged to be asked to write a review! normally when asked to write a review I usually think over night about it, and find myself asking myself the same question 'does it fit my blog theme'?  However with Color Blind Cards I knew it was a YES from the moment I read the message!

Hi there, if you email me with your postal address, I'd be happy to send u some cards for review on your blog? Jess

After seeing miss dynamite described them as some of the most empowering, enriching, iconic,relative, compassionate cards she had ever seen, I knew I wanted some!!

Color Blind Cards began in 2007, and is an award winning, multi racial greeting card and gift company.The first company to secure a presence for a black card range in the UK high street! Not only secured distribution in the US but also in Barbados, South Africa, and Bermuda. all information is posted via the website 

  I have compiled  together a mini review and list of why to use 'color blind cards'

1) There so Glamorous, stylish,slick,classy.
2) There perfect and suitable for all occasions,including; birthdays, love;friendships;anniversary;graduations;weddings; new baby; thank-you.get well soon etc!
3) Never have i seen such delicate,sophisticated and inspirational birthday cards in all my years of choosing the best 'Cards for many different occasions! 
4) The price is very reasonable, just a £2.99 for one or buy 12 for 19.99!
5) very approachable! twitter: @colorblindcards 
6) Perfect Size! 

please check out the website  and follow: @colorblindcards

Friday 11 October 2013

Friday Night,Movie Night and Propercorn!

What I have come to realise, is that family are with you in each aspect of life! They see you take your first steps, first words, start school, ship you to university through all the tears, see you progress in your career, get married and the list goes on! these big milestones your family are always there congratulating you and offering you constructive advice for you to take on board so you don't make silly mistakes the same way they did! there other job is for them to embarrass you dramatically at every given opportunity it is like they get full satisfaction from you turning the colour of the beetroot being served at tea! totally not funny but as there family you just let them off! The bond I have between my siblings is unbreakable and I always love to spend time with them! as I have grown older, there many things I want to do and sometimes get told constantly 'Helen stop being so busy'! by my 8 year old sister! its all about finding a balance between working life and career. my boyfriend, my hobbies and other doings, and to make time for people who I love unconditionally my family! so in my household we hold family nights! at the end of each week we decide what evening we could be free to make time for one another! this weeks is Friday! although now its Friday night I am thinking I wish I picked another night because the thought of wine and dinning in a VIP lounge in central London can be slightly more appealing but no tonight is movie night, one thing we need is POPCORN and lots of it!

The only popcorn we could ever think about using would be from Propercorn! I was very lucky to be sent four of there amazing flavors to try and test before dishing them out on my family in our movie night! I have compiled together a mini review of the popcorn in case you readers wish to try!!

1) There amazing! Simple Snacks!, Gluten Free, Suitable for Vegetarians, (100 cal)
2) They come in 4 Flavours - Salt and Sweet (My Fav), Sour Cream and Chive, Sea Salt, Worcester Sauce
3) Perfect for movie nights, Totally Luxurious and Enjoyable!
4)The bags come in different sizes! snack sizes and family sizes!
4) Prices depending on store! Roughly between 75p and £2.00 depending on what size pack you want!
5) They hand pop their corn, then toast with delicious flavours!

Also the last week I have been getting my pictures from different sources! But I have now set up my professional camera which I bought a little while ago! I cannot wait to start using it properly and taking my own photographs! Happy Reading!!

Follow: @TOGlamorous for extra updates on my Blog! 

Thursday 10 October 2013

Keeping Warm, Staying Glam

As winter finally approaches, my second wardrobe comes back out! Thick coats,gloves and scarves and chunky knits! very different from the shorts and pastel colours I have been wearing the last few months! summer is officially over! After reading Vogue I decided that I needed some new clothes to match up with this seasons look. It is vital that winter can be glamorous too, so I compelled together a few must haves to help me complete my shopping trip. 

I love the collection I have put together here! black winter coat put together with brown accessories! Totally glamorous!  The site I use to help me put together my outfits is I put the outfits together on my iPhone then use high street stores to recreate the look! Perfecto! 

 One of my Favourite things is buying new Pjs, and wearing them for bed! Each winter I buy a collection! This year I have realised how comfy onesies are! Why have I not bought one sooner!

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Planning A Trip To America!


So after a few long chats with the other half, together we have decided that travelling america is something we are both desperate to do! After reading so many new and inspiring travel blogs I am desperate to start planning my very own trip! There is so many areas that are needed to be considered and choices to be made that suit the both of us! so i have compelled a mini list of this areas i have been researching these last few days whilst sitting in a coffee shop 

1) The Route 
2) The flights
3) The Car and Fuel
4) Hotels and Hostels
5) Spending Money! 
6) Things to do and see- The Itinerary

It is important that you travel parts of the world each year! I tend to save all my pennies, wages, birthday money Christmas money and save it all for jet setting! In the past years i have had some amazing experiences and holidays across Europe, and thousands of photographs for me to dig out at a later stage if I want to relive the memories! Travelling america is something I cannot wait to do with my other half! we would of saved to go for 4 weeks, as we still have work, university and other responsibilities in the UK that prevent us from going longer! but i know i will make the most of the 4 weeks, and explore every nook and cranny in the places we visit! It has become so exciting looking over the last few days and how we could make this dream a reality!

'sometimes you just have to pack a little suitcase, take each others hands and travel all over the world creating memories that are unforgettable' 

Places i would like to see!

New York City! 
Florida, Orlando,Miami, and Tampa Bay
Washington DC
The Grand Canyon 
California - San Francisco
New Orleans 

Ok Ok so there are so many more but I could just list them all day!! 

Monday 7 October 2013

The Little Things In Life Are Free

20 little things in life that are free! 

20) A smile, 
19) kisses and Hugs
18) A walk
17) The ability to be polite - Please and Thank-you's
16) Sleep and the ability to Dream and make plans 
15) Picnic in the park
14) Stroll along the beach, sand in the toes and salty hair
13) Relationships! Family,Boyfriends,Husbands,Friends
12) Forgiveness
11) Education and learning new things, and finding your passion
10) Breathtaking views! -Sunrise 
9)  Nature- flowers, birds bees and butterflys
8) The ability to breath deeply 
7) Our senses,- smells,taste,see and hear 
6) Emotions and the ability to express ourselves - to laugh, to smile, to cry, to fear,to believe, to find happiness 
5) To talk and meet new people!
4) To have choice and freedom in what we want to do in life.
3) To give a compliment or a kind gesture, and to help someone out!
2)Memories, the good the bad and the most amazing! its the past that makes you who you are today.
1) The seasons! chilled nights in the winter and sunbathing sessions in the summer

Sunday 6 October 2013

Happy Birthday and Fancy Cupcakes

Last nights celebrations which included Chinese food, movies and a good old gossip with my best friend! We chatted hours about how things in life are quickly changing for us! How life's dramatically moving fast on by!  We spent at least 4 hours laughing about old mutual friends and 'do you remember when' and before we knew it was almost midnight! It is always good to look back on things so fun memories can stay alive! after a good 5 hours sleep my birthday approached and my phone did not stop vibrating! HAPPY BIRTHDAY HELEN CANT BELIEVE YOUR 22! was the standard message I received.
Birthday events!

1) Wake up early by the sound of happy birthday playing from the stereo! (yes we have a birthday CD which my mum bought when I was 5 it's still being used every year!)
2) Open presents! different kinds of wrapping paper, multicoloured bows and red balloons
3) went out for breakfast! could not choose between pancakes or a full breakfast (I went for the pancakes in the end!) #foodporn
4) Birthday cake, candles and  fancy cupcakes!
5) Family meal that consists on one or 2 starters and a fulfilling main!
6) An evening that is filled with pampering the body, and painted nails

I love having the full day devoted to myself, that is not me being self centred but I love birthdays and believe that it is an excuse to hold some lavish celebrations! As early evening approaches running a bath and simple winding down for today's excitement does not sound more fulfilling!

Saturday 5 October 2013

Time of Celebrations

As my birthday is closely approaching I thought I cannot turn 22 without a celebration. I knew I wanted to get my girls together however had no idea of what I wanted my birthday night to include! after a few text messages and exchanged phone calls the plan was created,
1) Some of my girls!
2) A huge Mexican, there is nothing better then nachos with salsa dip to start!
3) some mints or a tooth brush! (you cannot start the evening off well with a breath smelling of Mexican food! its a simple NO.
4) Cocktails and red wine! they should really name Coctails less embarrassing to order! yes I simple would like a 'woo woo, but no I don't want to sound like a train as I order!
5) lets change into our heels and hit the club!

what I have realised as I have grown older, whenever i hit the clubs I have the sheer urgency to people watch! I love to people watch but i find myself shivering with fear, anger disgust or laughter! in the events of last night I saw someone wearing what I wear to bed! yes an over sized tee! I also saw the majority of the club wearing cinema glasses and then you get the percentage of girls wearing trainers! what happened to spending hours getting ready, buying a cheeky new outfit and a pair of heels! the greatest thing about the club was the music and the company I had with me! although through half the night we had a male dancer attached to the side of us who crossed the line of gay or straight and was in between a stripper and a Louis Spence! kept us all highly amused.
It didn't half feel good slipping out of heels at the end of the night and into my sheep slipper socks! (Yes I have sheep slipper socks), who doesn't ay?